A lavish wedding in the United Arab Emirates has brought the Mahadev Online Book app, an illegal online betting app, under scrutiny by the Indian Enforcement Directorate (ED). Sourabh Chandrakar, one of the promoters of the Mahadev Online Book app, got married in February 2023 in Ras Al-Khaimah. The wedding reportedly cost around Rs 200 crore and was paid entirely in cash.
This was a warning signal for the ED, which is now investigating the origin of the money used to finance the wedding and whether it was linked to the income from online betting. The ED has also invited several Bollywood celebrities to appear at the wedding, including Ranbir Kapoor, Shraddha Kapoor and Tiger Shroff, The Times Of India reported.
Mahadev online book app
The Mahadev Online Book app is one of several illegal betting apps that have proliferated in India in recent years. These apps allow users to bet on sports, casino games, and other events. However, they are not subject to government regulation and are therefore illegal.
Celebrities attend a lavish wedding
Several Bollywood stars have been summoned for questioning in the case, including Ranbir Kapoor, Shraddha Kapoor, Kapil Sharma and Hina Khan. The celebrities are said to have attended the lavish wedding of Sourabh Chandrakar, one of the masterminds behind the betting app Mahadev, in Dubai.
The ED is investigating whether the celebrities were paid to attend the wedding through dubious transactions. The agency is also checking whether the celebrities have other financial connections to the betting app Mahadev.
The Mahadev betting app case has highlighted the growing problem of illegal online betting in India. The ED’s investigation is likely to have a significant impact on the online betting industry and could lead to the arrest of several key players.